by Kurtis Vanderpool | Aug 20, 2019 | Blog, Christian Deconstruction, Relationships, Spiritual Life Coaching
When Someone You Love is Deconstructing Faith Our beliefs about love, life, God, and why we’re all here make up a lot of who we are. But those beliefs change over time. They evolve as we experience more of life, death, and all the in between. This...
by Kurtis Vanderpool | Aug 6, 2019 | Blog, Christian Deconstruction, Spiritual Life Coaching
When You’re Deconstructing Your Faith Struggle is the sign of an authentic faith journey. There is no magic bullet. No “happily ever after.” No simple instructions to follow. We like to pretend like there is. Simple instructions and a...
by Kurtis Vanderpool | Jun 4, 2019 | Blog, Christian Deconstruction, Spiritual Life Coaching
We say sin separates us from God…but does it? If you have grown up in church, in a mildly religious home, or really anywhere not under a giant rock in western civilization for the last 500 years, you have undoubtedly heard at one point or another the idea...
by Kurtis Vanderpool | May 21, 2019 | Blog, Christian Deconstruction, Spiritual Life Coaching
This month we lost a sister. We lost a warrior-poet. We lost an Eshet Chayil (woman of valor). Rachel Held Evans, beloved and hated author of four Christian non-fiction books passed away after terrible complications that started with the flu. It was...
by Kurtis Vanderpool | Apr 24, 2019 | Blog, Christian Deconstruction, Spiritual Life Coaching
Looking for God in our Questions “Am I broken?” “Is there something wrong with me?” “Is there no one who understands?” “Why even try?” What do you do when your desire for God leaves you empty-handed? When your search only creates...
by Kurtis Vanderpool | Apr 11, 2019 | Blog, Practice, Spiritual Life Coaching
The Light Within: Pause for the Great Silence Themes for The Great Silence: Silence, rest, and sleep Darkness, trust, and protection Personal sorrow, completion, intimacy It is the end of the day. You are about to lay down and sleep. Tomorrow will come, like all...