Online Life Coaching – Blog
Transitioning into adulthood sucks. It’s not easy, often not fun, and no one really teaches you how to do it well. Through writing, in-person life coaching, and online life coaching, I help teens, college students, and young adults go from school to success in their personal and professional lives.
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Why THIS Moment is All That Matters
So I want to share with you something that has probably changed my life more than just about anything else that I've learned and that is that THIS MOMENT that you are experiencing right now is the most important place that you can...
Where Are You? Practicing Being Present Right Here, Right Now
Being Present. Where are you right now? Maybe you are at your desk, scrolling through emails, trying to put off the morning’s work in hopes that it will go away if you don’t acknowledge it. Maybe you are in your favorite chair with a cup...
Jesus Set Us Free from Expectations
Quit being a slave to Christianity. Jesus set us free so we could be FREE!
Simple Ways to Be Happier: 1-Minute Tips to Love Your Life
Keys to Being Happy Sometimes I can overcomplicate things (Insert space here for all who know me to roll their eyes and say "WHAT!? YOU? NOOOO!") Yeah, I get it. I can take a straight simple question like "How was your day today"...
The Pursuit of God Demands Integrity & Humility
If you’re going to discover God or objective truth, you have to have integrity and humility or you won’t make it very far.
What is Deconstruction?
What does Deconstruction mean and why is it important to Christianity?
Work with a Life Coach who gets it. Schedule a meeting with Kurtis today!