Let Things Take the Time They Take

Patience - Let things take the time they take

Written By Kurtis Vanderpool

I'm a Certified Life Coach working to help people live healthier, happier, and more helpful lives. Whether is deconstructing your faith, navigating a relationship, or just the difficulties of adulting, I have over 10 years experience coaching people to create lives they love!

December 19, 2022

One of the most important things I have learned (and let’s be honest…I’m still learning).

Nothing worthwhile has shortcuts.
Anything worth doing takes a great deal of time.

Letting things take the time they take WHILE taking intentional steps in that direction day after day,
this will always lead to a better result. Or at the very least, valuable experience and learning.

Obviously, this means that PATIENCE is one of the most important things we can practice.

Patience with our dreams.
Patience with others.
Patience with ourselves and our growth.

Wisdom and true success come incrementally.
Don’t waste your time and energy and joy trying to speed up the process.

I guarantee you won’t like the result.

#patience #happinesstips #lifecoach #happinesscoach #success #successcoach #personalgrowthcoach #personaldevelopment #empowerment #selfconfidence #selflove #manifest #mindfulness #selfgrowth #selfimprovement #empower #selfesteem #mindset #selfesteem #lifelessons #selfworth #lawofattraction #motivationalspeaker #selfdevelopment #careercoach #careergoals #goals #ambition #gracenotperfection #kurtisvanderpool



How to Become Happier - Kurtis Vanderpool Life Coach

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Work with a Life Coach who gets it. Schedule a meeting with Kurtis today!

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