Simple Ways to Be Happier 6: Take Work Less Seriously

Simple Ways To Be Happier_Take Work Less Seriously

Written By Kurtis Vanderpool

I'm a Certified Life Coach working to help people live healthier, happier, and more helpful lives. Whether is deconstructing your faith, navigating a relationship, or just the difficulties of adulting, I have over 10 years experience coaching people to create lives they love!

August 19, 2022


Simple Ways to Be Happier #6:

Take Work Less Seriously


Guys, we have GOT to take work less seriously 


I know we live in America and America’s wonderful

but this country thinks that the only things that matter


are your accomplishments, 

your success, 

the things that you can attach to your name on your resume. 


And y’all…that’s bullshit. 


There is so much more to you,

there’s so much more to you than your accomplishments and what you do at work.


Who you are and who you are to the people around you is a way bigger deal than what you have accomplished in your career. 


So, wherever you are today, I’m not saying I ignore your goals and dreams. Work for those a little bit day by day by day. But when you’re in the thick of it, y’all…

it’s not that big of a deal. 


when I worked at Costco they would LOSE THEIR MIND if a pallet was crooked BY ONE INCH!


Through that experience, I was reminded,

It doesn’t matter!

It’s a pallet!

No one cares!


But to them, it was life and death.


So, if you want to be happier, then in your day-to-day working life, yes, do a good job 

but don’t take work so seriously.

Try to gain some perspective on what REALLY matters in life. 


Once we come to the realization that our professional accomplishments aren’t all that important,

we’ll find ourselves in a much happier place.


Previous Post: Simple Ways to Be Happier #5: Meditate

Next Post: Simple Ways to Happier Living #7: Create Space for Silence in Your Life


SImple Ways to Be Happier-Take Work Less Seriously

SImple Ways to Be Happier-Take Work Less Seriously



How to Become Happier - Kurtis Vanderpool Life Coach

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